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Cognac vs. Armagnac Smackdown
with Robin Robinson
Two of France's most famous brandies in a head to head competition: Cognac vs. Armagnac. One is everywhere, the other you have to search for. From their monastic more
Wines of Greece
with Chris Badini
Join us on an exploration of Greek treasures through a flight of Greece’s most compelling varietals and regions. We’ll have Greek-inspired snacks on hand to demonstrate more
Alsace, Jura, Savoie: The Hidden Gems of Eastern France
with Vitalii Dascaliuc
Embark on a fascinating journey through the hidden wine regions of Eastern France! Discover the unique and complex wines more
Cool Italian Wines, Hot Summer Nights
with Lisa Saunders
While your own backyard may not be as picturesque as the Italian riviera, it's undoubtedly just as hot (if not hotter!) more